
Daoist priest as magical helper in Pei Xing’s novella “The Tale of Xue Zhao”

русская версия

DOI https://doi.org/10.31696/2618-7043-2023-6-3-4-691-704
Affiliation: Институт востоковедения РАН
senior researcher
Sections LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Folklore studies
Pages 691 - 704

The article aims to confirm the hypothesis presented in 2011 that the chuanqi tale “Xue Zhao” by Pei Xing (9th century) contains a sequence of motifs characteristic of the international tale type “Sleeping Beauty” (no. 410 in the Aarne – Thompson Index). The role of the Daoist Celestial master Shen (Shen Yuan / Shen Yuanzhi) as a helper is considered. The author provides some data on the image of Master Shen as the companion of Emperor Xuanzong on his lunar journey in Tang fiction. The article proves the existence of parallel characters to Shen Yuan in the early Western European versions of “Sleeping Beauty”.

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For citations: Старостина А.Б. Даос — волшебный помощник в новелле Пэй Сина «Повесть о Сюэ Чжао». Ориенталистика. 2023; т. 6, 3-4: 691-704