
The Sali Bauatdinov's manuscript sub-collection within the manuscript collection from the Karakalpak institute of humanities of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan / Nukus

русская версия

DOI https://doi.org/10.31696/2618-7043-2023-6-2-239-248
Affiliation: Институт востоковедения РАН
senior researcher
Sections HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
Pages 239 - 248

This article is a continuation within a research series, which deals with hand written and early printed books, which constitute a Manuscript Collection housed at the Karakalpak Institute of Humanities of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (City of Nukus, Karakalpakstan). The Collection contains several hundred manuscripts, early printed books and lithographs in Arabic, Turkic and Persian languages from 18th to the middle of the 20th cent. This diverse Collection itself is a clear evidence of the development of the book culture in Karalpakistan. An important part of the whole Collection is a recently acquired subcollection of ca 150 items (handwritten, early printed and lithograph books) mostly from the 19th–20th cent., which did belong to Sali Bauatdinov. The sub-collection comprises tafsirs, works on fiqh, Turkic Sufi literature (Sufi Allah Yar) and Persian poetry, Arabic fiction of the 20th century, etc.

Work in progress on this collection, which includes description and attribution of various items was started last year.

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Благодарности: The author is grateful to S. Sh. Bagautdinov, A. I. Alniyazov, M. A. Karlybaev and A. R. Idrisov for the opportunity to discuss this collection in Nukus in September, 2022.
For citations: Аникеева Т.А. Коллекция С. Бауатдинова в составе рукописного фонда Каракалпакского института гуманитарных наук ОАН РУЗ в Нукусе. Ориенталистика. 2023; т. 6, 2: 239-248