
[Book review:] Beljaev L. Byzantine Jericho: Excavations after a Century. Ed. by Acad. N. A. Makarov. Moscow: Indrik, 2016. 500 p., ill.

русская версия

DOI https://doi.org/10.31696/2618-7043-2023-6-2-385-389
Affiliation: Еврейский университет в Иерусалиме, проект “Colophons and Scholars”
Sections CHRONICLE. Reviews
Pages 385 - 389

The book of L. A. Beljaev “Byzantine Jericho” publishes four seasons of the first modern Russian archaeological mission in the Southern Levant. This is, however, not just a usual archaeological report, but a review of history of research of Russian archaeologists and Biblical scholars in the region from its beginning in the end of the 19th century through nowadays. Due to the multidisciplinary approach of the author the publication is provided with the survey of archaeology and topography of the Jericho Oasis as well as with the report on conservation of the site. 

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For citations: Май Н.А. [Рец. на кн.:] Беляев Л. А. Византийский Иерихон: раскопки спустя столетие. Материалы Российско-Палестинской археологической экспедиции 2010–2013 гг. Под ред. акад. Н. А. Макарова. М.: Индрик, 2016. 500 с., ил. Ориенталистика. 2023; т. 6, 2: 385-389