
Comparison of Approaches to Arabic-Russian Transcription and Transliteration

русская версия

DOI https://doi.org/10.31696/2618-7043-2023-6-5-1053-1066
Affiliation: Институт востоковедения РАН
junior researcher
Sections LINGUISTICS OF THE EAST. Languages of the peoples of the World
Pages 1053 - 1066

To date, in the Russian-speaking space there has been no unified approach to Arabic-Russian transcription and transliteration (the term “transmission” is used hereinafter). Different groups of authors and researchers use different solutions for certain transmission tasks. Some authors, due to the lack of clear recognized guidelines, do not adhere to specific rules even within the same work. And although unification or the development of a single generally accepted approach to Arabic-Russian transmission does not seem achievable, the problem of disordered diversity can be solved by systematizing approaches. This article takes the first steps in this direction. It provides an overview of approaches to Arabic-Russian transmission presented in the literature, specific problematic issues that authors encounter during transmission are highlighted, and solutions of different authors on these problems are compared. The paper concludes by describing steps that are necessary to take in the future to systematize approaches to Arabic-Russian transmission.

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For citations: Орлов И.А. Сопоставление подходов к арабско-русской транскрипции и транслитерации. Ориенталистика. 2023; т. 6, 5: 1053-1066