
Svetlana Burlak

Dr. of Philology, профессор РАН (с 2015)
Papers of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS » Editorial Colleague of Serie
Журнала «Ориенталистика» » Редакционная коллегия
член редакционной коллегии
Ученый совет ИВ РАН
Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Oriental Studies

[Review on] Kutsenkov P. a., Lavrentieva N. V., Chegodaev M. A. From ancestral society to early civilizations: Ancient Egypt and West Africa / Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, State Institute of Art Studies. Moscow: IV RAS, 2019. 508 p.

Orientalistica, 2019, №3 » CHRONICLE. Reviews, 771-783, DOI: 10.31696/2618-7043-2019-2-3-771-783