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History of Tibetology in letters: correspondence between Regbi Pubaev and Bronislav Kuznetsov

Orientalistica, 2019, №2 » HISTORY OF DISCIPLINE. Oriental studies, 299-334

What is the Russian for “Bodhi” an “enlightenment” or an “awakening”?

Orientalistica, 2019, №1 » HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods, 21-39

Tathagata Buddhas by the artist Zanabazar (1635-1723): Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi, Vairochana

Orientalistica, 2019, №3 » HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history, 591-612

Russian language as a means of interpreting Buddhist cultural heritage: creating target-orientated vocabulary

Orientalistica, 2019, №4 » HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods, 807-816

Buddha Akshobhya in Mongolia

Orientalistica, 2019, №4 » HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history, 817-837

The Sanskrit term bhāvanā as used in the “Bhāvanā-krama” by Kamalaśīla

Orientalistica, 2020, №1 » LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Theory of literature, 129-142

Rivers and Religion. Connecting Cultures of South and Southeast Asia The 8th South and Southeast Asian Association for the Study of Culture and Religion (SSEASR) Conference and Its Special Session at the Buddhist sites of Bangladesh

Orientalistica, 2020, №1 » CHRONICLE. Conference report, 295-306

Interpretation of the image of the Goddess Tara by Zanabazar compared to that by his predecesors and followers (from Sri Lanka to Siberia)

Orientalistica, 2020, №2 » HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history, 348-378

The Formation Features of 'Dhāraṇis Collection' (Dhāraṇi-piṭaka) as a part of Buddhist Canon in Mahāsāṃghika and Dharmaguptaka schools tradidions

Orientalistica, 2021, №1 » HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods, 15-27

On the meanings of the terms dhāraṇī and mantra in the Buddhist written tradition

Orientalistica, 2021, №4 » HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods, 842-857

“An outstanding lama of the West taught...” – M. Pallis and his treatise warning Tibet about the consequences of Kali Yuga

Orientalistica, 2022, №5 » HISTORY OF THE EAST. Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture, 1170-1186

Toward a Methodology for the Study of Buddhist Fine Art: (using an example of Zanabazar’s works)

Orientalistica, 2023, №3-4 » HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods, 534-547