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A note about the Greek script and the Greek language as found in Kitāb al-Fihrist by Ibn an-Nadīm
Orientalistica, 2019, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Theory of literature
, 119-133
Nikolaj Serikoff
The European linguistic tradition as compared to other traditions
Orientalistica, 2019, №4
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the World
, 1009-1020
Vladimir Alpatov
Myths and Misconceptions in Japanese linguistic research
Orientalistica, 2020, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the World
, 121-128
Vladimir Alpatov
Soqotri Lullabies
Orientalistica, 2020, №2
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Folklore studies
, 443-456
Leonid Kogan
Arabic Manuscript Book Traditions: Script, Space Arrangement of the Text and Bibliographical Description
Orientalistica, 2020, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 591-618
Nikolaj Serikoff
S. Frantsouzoff
The ghazal of Mir Taqi Mir: the formation of the poetic and literary language of Urdu
Orientalistica, 2020, №3
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 820-848
L. Vasilyeva
The Spiritual and Material culture of the Eastern people as reflected in the medieval written historical evidence (monumenta scripta). The 10
anniversary conference.
Orientalistica, 2020, №4
CHRONICLE. Conference report
, 1167-1188
Liubov Goriaeva
Military Orientologist Schools in the Context of the Foreign and Military Policy of the Russian State in the Late 19th ‒ early 20th Centuries. [Review on:] Baskhanov M. K. A History of the Study of Eastern Languages in the Russian Imperial Army. Saint-Petersburg: Nestor-istoria, 2018. 632 p.
Orientalistica, 2020, №4
, 1189-1201
Mikhail Bukharin
“Mir Taqi Mir”. A fragment from the History of Urdu Poetry “Water of Life” of Muhammad Husayn Azad
Orientalistica, 2020, №5
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 1437-1449
L. Vasilyeva
Problems in studying of Akkadian expression ubānum ištēt ‘one finger’
Orientalistica, 2021, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 596-619
Boris Alexandrov
Vasily Abaev: the Russian Antistructuralist
Orientalistica, 2021, №4
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the World
, 1084-1093
Vladimir Alpatov
Towards Creating an Anthology of Socotri Fairy Tales in Russian
Orientalistica, 2022, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Folklore studies
, 80-106
Vitaly Naumkin
Ekaterina Koloskova
Leonid Kogan
Talking to the enemy…: the military phrasebooks by the litterateur Osip Senkovskii (1828) and Lieut.- General Nikolai Biasi (1941). Part 1
Orientalistica, 2022, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the World
, 157-172
Nikolaj Serikoff
Talking to the enemy...: the military phrasebooks by the litterateur Osip Senkovskii (1828) and Lieut.-General Nikolai Biasi (1941). Part 2
Orientalistica, 2022, №2
PHILOLOGY OF THE EAST. Languages of the peoples of the World / Russian language. Languages of the peoples of the Russia
, 387-410
Nikolaj Serikoff
Arabic-language epigraphy of Juma Mosque in daghestan village Zubutli
Orientalistica, 2022, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. National History
, 1016-1028
M. Gasanov
The manuscript of Nizami’s “Khosrow and Shirin” in Judeo-Persian from the collection of Elkan Nathan Adler
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 858-869
R. Ashkenazi
Writings of Dagestani authors in Arabic language in the collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. National History
, 870-885
Alikber Alikberov
I. Chmilevskaya
The Role of Yahya Haqqi in Egyptian Literature of the 20>sup>th Century
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 1010-1020
N. Uspenskaya
How to read (and understand) folk poetry? Аn example of applying a cognitive approach to the study of an oral Arabic tradition from Northern Morocco
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Folklore studies
, 1021-1033
S. Gintsburg
Lexical means of the Iraqi dialect for description the appearance, character, and characteristics of a person
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
LINGUISTICS OF THE EAST. Languages of the peoples of the World
, 1044-1052
Ya. Yu. J. Hana
Comparison of Approaches to Arabic-Russian Transcription and Transliteration
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
LINGUISTICS OF THE EAST. Languages of the peoples of the World
, 1053-1066
I. Orlov
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