
Abi Jaber Dj., Kudriavtsev A. V. Russian and Arabic Dictionary of Christian and Biblical Vocabulary — :Moscow قاموس روسي – عربي للمصطلحات المسیحیة والكتابیة B. S. G.-Press, 2020

русская версия

DOI https://doi.org/10.31696/2618-7043-2023-6-5-1068-1076
Affiliation: Институт востоковедения РАН
член редакционной коллегии
Sections CHRONICLE. Reviews
Pages 1068 - 1076

The Russian-Arabic Dictionary of Christian and Biblical vocabulary (over 2200 words and expressions) contains words related to the Christian religion and practice (worship, church vestments, hierarchy, sacraments), as well as theological terms. It also includes the names of Church holidays, the titles of the Books of the Old and New Testaments, a list of personal names of Saints and a list of biblical place names. The Appendix provides the reader with a list of Christian churches and the texts of the main Orthodox prayers in Church Slavonic (in modern Russian transcription) and Arabic. Page references to the publication under review in the text of the review are given in parentheses.

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For citations: Сериков Н.И. [Рецензия на книгу:] Аби Джабер Дж., Кудрявцев А. В. Русско-арабскии̮ словарь христианскои̮ и библеи̮скои̮ лексики — روسي قاموس والكتابیة المسیحیة للمصطلحات عربي М.: Б. С. Г.-Пресс, 2020. Ориенталистика. 2023; т. 6, 5: 1068-1076